Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Build and Release Training by DevOpsConsulting.in

Build and Release Training by DevOpsConsulting.in

DevOpsConsulting is a brainchild of passionate technopreneurs having vast experience in managing, designing and delivering large scale enterprise solutions with prime focus on achieving business goals with high performance systems. We are an IT technologies and consulting firm specialized in DevOps and software practices to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness of an Organization.

We have extensive experience in various verticals like telecom, healthcare, finance, insurance, media etc. Our comprehensive knowledge and expertise includes but not limited to DevOps Architect Design, Technical Debt Reduction, Cloud Migration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment.

The basic course program is outlined here

Software Configuration Management overview
Introduction of Version management / Source Code Management
Overview of Build management
Overview of Packaging management
Overview of Release and Deployment management
Git - A Source Code Management Tool
SVN - A Source Code Management Tool
Apache Ant - A Build Tool
MsBuild - A Build Tool
Nant - A Build Tool
Jenkins - A Continous Integration Tool
RPM - A Linux Package Management
Jboss - A Application Server
Bash Scripting - A Scripting Language
Linux and Windows - Operting System
Overview of Continuous Integration
Overview of Continuous Delivery
CI/CD Implementation

More - http://www.devopsconsulting.in/build-release-training.html

Email at - info@DevOpsConsulting.in